The 2014 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Life Science is awarded to Joachim Frank for the development of Cryo-Electron Microscopy, for using this technology to investigate the structure of large organic molecules at high resolution, and for discoveries regarding the mechanism of protein synthesis in cells.For more information about the Franklin Institute and the 2014 awards, please visit:
CELL Structure of the mammalian ribosomal 43S preinitiation complex bound to the scanning factor DHX29 Yaser Hashem, Amedee des Georges, Vidya Dhote, Robert Langlois, Hstau Y. Liao, Robert A. Grassucci, Christopher U.T. Hellen, Tatyana V. Pestova and Joachim Frank
Eukaryotic translation initiation begins...
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NATURE High-resolution cryo-EM structure of Trypanosoma brucei eukaryotic ribosome Yaser Hashem, Amedee des Georges, Jie Fu, Sarah N. Buss, Fabrice Jossinet, Amy Jobe, Qin Zhang, Hstau Y. Liao, Robert A. Grassucci, Chandrajit Bajaj, Eric Westhof, Susan Madison-Antenucci, and Joachim Frank